Supervised Machine Learning


Machine Learning konusuna ilgi duyanlar guzel bir kaynak.

It is a great resource for Machine Learning.

Machine learning gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed for the task at hand. The learning happens when data is combined with mathematical models, for example by finding suitable values of unknown variables in the model.

The most basic example of learning could be that of fitting a straight line to data, but machine learning usually deals with much more flexible models than straight lines.

The point of doing this is that the result can be used to draw conclusions about new data, that was not used in learning the model.

If we learn a model from a data set of 1000 puppy images, the model might — if it is wisely chosen — be able to tell whether another image

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Machine Learning for Everyone


Machine Learning for Everyone makina ogrenmesinin temellerine inen ve konuyu basitçe anlatan güzel bir e-kitap.

Machine Learning for Everyone is a good ebook that goes to the basics of machine learning and simply tells the subject.

Classical machine learning is often divided into two categories – Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

In the first case, the machine has a “supervisor” or a “teacher” who gives the machine all the answers, like whether it’s a cat in the picture or a dog. The teacher has already divided (labeled) the data into cats and dogs, and the machine is using these examples to learn.
One by one. Dog by cat. Unsupervised learning means the machine is left on its own with a pile of animal photos and a task to find out who’s who. Data is not labeled, there’s no teacher, the machine is trying to find any patterns on its own. We’ll talk about these methods below.
Clearly, the machine will learn faster with a teacher, so it’s more commonly used in real-life tasks.
There are two types of such tasks:
classification – an object’s category prediction, and
regression – prediction of a specific point on a numeric axis.

You can find the details in the book.

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Big Data Case Study Collection


Machine Learning use cases in Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Kaggle, General Electric, and Cornerstone…

Big Data is a big thing and this case study collection will give you a good overview of how some companies really leverage big data to drive business performance.

They range from industry giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, GE, and Microsoft, to smaller businesses which have put big data at the centre of their business model, like Kaggle and Cornerstone.

This case study collection is based on articles published by Bernard Marr on his LinkedIn Influencer blog.

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